Build your knowledge and skills with CM Training


Build your knowledge and skills with CM Training 〰️

“It all begins with understanding the brain and behaviour”

~ Charlotte Moore

We do not use methods or techniques to teach horses and people, we use science and relationships!

We bring a brand new approach to the industry of teaching horses and people to build relationships.

We teach you how to understand your horse by educating you on how your horse’s brain works as a prey animal and as an individual and also how your brain operates as a predator. We also teach you what parts of the brain are identical in horses and humans and how to use them to build better communication. We will help you to to learn how to put these polar opposite species together to build the ultimate relationship. We combine neuroscience and psychology to do this.

What is neuroscience?
Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system. The nervous system is the information highway between the brain and the body. It is extensive and beautifully complicated.
Psychology allows us to explore the behaviour behind the neuroscience. We simplify the complex information in these fields and show you how to apply it to build your relationship with your horse.

When you understand how the brain operates on a functional level, how it perceives information, how it learns, how it responds to sensory information (information coming in) and how it stores information then you can help support the brain and the corresponding behaviour to get the absolute best out of it. What we teach is not about quick fixes or band aids, it requires time and patience, it is a journey. What we teach requires mental investment and dedication from you for yourself and your horse.

Humans see the world in a very different way to horses. Why? because horses are the ultimate prey animal and we are the ultimate predator.

What do horses and humans have in common?
Quite a lot actually, but our focus is on:

- A fight/flight/freeze nervous system (survival mechanisms)

- A rest/relax nervous system

- Hormones and neurotransmitters (special nerve chemicals) that control these systems

- A brain that interprets information the same when stressed or threatened

- Behaviour that can be shaped to extraordinary levels only when it feels safe

- Fundamental brain functions for survival

- Fundamental requirements for relationship building

In any relationship, adverse behaviour can occur because there is a lack of understanding between the individuals that are communicating. When there is a lack of understanding, the communication will break down and reactive (defensive) behaviour will present itself (in both human and horse). When understanding is in the driver’s seat, the communication will be working at it’s best. It will be delivered sensitively, with thought and care. It will be efficient and conscious. It will be productive and positive.

Low/no understanding = communication, connection, confidence and trust breakdown = relationship breakdown.

High understanding = communication, connection, confidence and trust development = relationship building and maintenance!

Your journey with us is not about conventional or transactional training such as going through the motions of walk, trot, canter, lunging, making the horse do this, showing him who’s boss, intimidating him/bullying him, or mechanically forcing him with equipment. Your journey with us will be knowledge and skills based, progressive, deeply educational, never ending, eye opening, transformational and a profoundly motivating one.

We will provide you with the tools to observe your horse’s behaviour, correctly interpret it, manage it and support it, you can then incorporate this into any style or discipline you desire. You will understand WHY your horse is behaving the way it is. You will learn WHY it is important to understand your horse’s language. You will understand WHY your horse thinks the way he does. You will also learn all of the above about yourself!

Only when you understand WHY, can you truly implement ways on HOW to manage and support behaviour. Knowing the “why” builds your confidence because it gives you the ability to independently assess your horse’s behaviour. Learning and working with us will result in a relationship between you and your horse that is truly unbreakable and profoundly deep.

Build your knowledge and skills with CM Training


Build your knowledge and skills with CM Training 〰️